Saturday 27 April 2013

Doctor Who - Hide

I wanted to love this, I really did.
A haunted house, a small cast, two really talented guest stars. Perfect.
I loved Dougray Scott's weary and wary professor with his secrets; and how his relationship with his assistant (not companion!) echoed the Doctor and his companions.
I loved the Doctor racing through time as Clara came to the realisation that she was just the next companion. A ghost to the Doctor and his time machine.
I loved the sparky dialogue ("toggle").
I loved the cut up, jumpy, blurry shots of the part scene alien.
I loved the gothic folly and lighting.
But it just wasn't enough.
 The writing on the wall. The bad references to the past all spoiled it. If you are going to reference the past - please do it properly. All these put a damper on it.
As for the Doctor's initial belief that there might be a ghost...Even Darling Girl tutted at that. The Doctor doesn't believe in ghosts. But she has just watched "Day of the Daleks" with a cynical Third Doctor.

I also find I am irritated by the constant use of the sonic screwdriver. I was so pleased to see it return in the reboot. But the constant flicking and checking and general overuse is setting my teeth on edge.
Having recently rewatched "Doomsday" the different use of the sonic was so obvious. Maybe its the way Matt Smith waves it about? Plus it is a less elegant design that the older one.
Maybe I shouldn't watch a classic Tennant episode on the same day as a Matt Smith story.
However, the biggest thing that stopped me loving Hide was the ending. Tacked on and silly. Did the two monsters need to be reunited? Did the second actually need to be there? Wasn't it enough that there was an unexplained presence lurking and watching in the bubble universe; the "Hide" of the title?
But I still have hope that the next episode will deliver.

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