Tuesday 16 April 2013


I have been out playing with my camera tonight. 
So pleased with this long exposure shot of the moon. No filters, just cropping. I cannot believe its good enough to see the craters.
I was less impressed with my shots of the International Space Station. Trying to photograph it was my reason for going outside to play. Unfortunately, despite going out in plenty of time, and using a tripod, I still made a mistake. In the dark I couldn't see my shutter settings and reduced my shutter speed from 5 seconds to 0.1 second.
Luckily, it was a long pass and I was able to partially correct my mistake and I took this picture on a 2 secon shutter speed (all my other settings were auto).

The space station is visible for many dates this month, cloud cover permitting.  If you are interested in giving the astronauts a wave (I think Howard is already home!!) you can check passes, times and directions on this site. April ISS passes