Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Adventures of Monker

Thanks to my lovely crafty friends I have started scrapping again.
Dear Crafty Auntie let me come and play on Saturday night, and I got some pages completed in an album that I have been meaning to do for years.

We have a little stuffed Monkey, who we call Monker. He comes on all our holidays with us. He was  Darling Girl's favourite when she was tiny so Monker came on holiday and so Hub thought it would be funny to take his picture chilling out on the balcony. Well the tradition has stuck. Monker has been to France, to Scotland, round Windsor Castle, to Stonehenge and traipsed all round London!
I have always meant to document his adventures and I have finally started!

 Porthcawl Beach 2007
The Forth Bridge, August 2009
Anstruther Fish Bar. August 2009
The papers (and the album) are an old Cosmo Cricket set from at least 3 years ago. But I like the muted colours and the faded palette.
Monker has had so many adventures so this project should keep me going!

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